Potential employees must complete a process that includes an Orientation with Taylor personnel, an E-Verification process with WIN (Workforce Investment Network) and a skills assessment applicable to the job. Individuals who pass all assessments and meet qualifications can then complete an application for employment with Taylors at the Louisville or Philadelphia location.
Chuck Donald, Operations Manager for Taylors indicated that a few openings had been filled prior to the Job Fair but there were still 25-30 positions to fill with skilled personnel. Donald also indicated that there were few if any entry level positions currently available but hoped that continued growth and expansion would provide more opportunities in the future. Extremely pleased with the turnout, Donald thanked ECCC Workforce Development, WIN and Winston County Economic Development for their assistance with the Job Fair.
The job fair will run from 10:00 am til 7:00 pm on Thursday, 10:00 am til 3:00 pm on Friday and from 8:00 am til noon on Saturday. Job vacancies specifically include; machinists, welders, finished painters, assembly level 3 & level 5 and fabricating group operators.Prospects must bring the following with them to the job fair: a current resume, two proofs of identification and certificates of training and/or transcripts. More detailed information should be obtained by contacting Shelley Thomas, the ECCC site Coordinator at 662-536-1150 or sthomas@eccc.edu. ECCC Workforce Development, Taylors and WIN (the Workforce Investment Network) are all working together to coordinate the job fair. Do not contact Taylor Machine Works directly.
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