The Winston County Board of Supervisors met on Monday morning with a full agenda. The Board approved the following items with limited discussion:
*Approval of minutes
*Tabby Dempsey to attend Justice Court Clerk Training
*Acknowledge certificates of training for Mattie Cooper & Tabby Dempsey
*Payment of annual membership dues for 2011-2012 for Justice Court Clerks
*Transfer of funds from volunteer fire departments to the County Fire Association for replacemenet payment for insurance costs.
*Transfer of funds from the Emergency Medical Grant Fund to the County Fire Association for equuipment for first repsonders.
*Acknowledge the receipt of the grand jury report
*Correct an erroneous sale
*Execute several 16th section leases.
*Issue a Certificate of Appreciation for County Employee Charles Massey upon retirement.
*Payment to David O'Donnell (Redistricting Attorney)in the amount of $6956
In other business, Cedric Wooten requested that the supervisors consider putting in a public road to his property in District 3. Wooten is building a home off Brooksville Rd and expects further homes to be moved to the property as well. Supervisor Peterson indicated that he didn't object to providing assistance but that there were several things to consider and that it was not a simple process. Creating a public road would require a 60 foot right of way easement (which might require removal of an existing mobile home), a signed petition from all adjoining landowners, changes in the road registry required to be filed with the state and a change in all maps. He also indicated that a public road means public access and that the landowner gives up any right to control the use of the road. It was recommended that Wooten look at all the issues and discuss it further with Peterson.
The Board also considered a request from The Friends of Dean Park to fix a door that had been vandalized and spread dirt for a playground area. Supervisor Estes indicated that he had looked at the property and determined that up to 20 loads of dirt would be required to fix the playground area to prevent washout. He indicated that the Park didn't have the funds to fix this but that it needed to be fixed correctly before it caused more expense. After discussion, the Board approved a local contractor to haul up to 20 loads of dirt at a cost of $2500 and to fix the door. Supervisors would also provide a load of pea gravel from each district to cover the area in question. Funds would come from Common County.
Met with a representative of Home Finder's Realty concerning the cleanup lien on a purchased property in HillCrest Subdivision in the amount of $5870.36. The property was cleaned up by the County after a public hearing and publication in the newspaper. Home Finders purchased the property from USDA in December after the property was cleaned in September, however USDA did not notify the purchaser of the lien. The purchaser felt like they were not properly informed of the lien and should not be liable. The County Attorney indicated that there was nothing the Board could legally do about the matter and that everything was done according to statute. Ms Arnold with Home Finders indicated that they were willing to pay up to $1500 and if the Board was not agreeable to that then they would turn the matter over to an attorney.
The Board also discussed the status of re-districting. The County Attorney indicated that Golden Triangle Planning and Development was reviewing metes and bounds description prior to submitting a plan to the Department of Justice.
A Hold Car Tag List with some exceptions was approved with some discussion. It was again reiterated that liens that require the withholding of car tags must be paid in full before a tag can be issued. An issue was also resolved concerning a propery owner who lived in Winston County but received trash pickup and paid fees from Kemper County.
Gerald Mills from Economic Development provided information to the Board including that Polo would be adding a thermo packing line to their facilities which would create 15-25 jobs and bring some supervisory personnel to the area. He also indicated that the EPA has funds appropriated to begin cleanup at the superfund site and could start as early as July. First work would likely include draining the pond at the site and demolition of structures.
The Board also opened bids for the Courthouse Energy Project. The Board received three bids but one was deemed invalid as there was no required bid bond. The two remaining bids covered a lighting retrofit, new heat/air conditioning units and installation of storm windows. Service Corporation of Meridian had a total bid of $132,354 while Tony Watson Electric of Brandon submitted a bid for $90,156.93. The board wanted further review of the bid specifics before making a decision.
In final discussions of the day, the Board questioned Emergency Mangement Director Clarence Kelly about several issues including the lack of radio coverage in the Nanih Waiya and Mars Hill areas of the county. Kelly indicated that there are two repeaters in the county currently and that any improvement to coverage in these area would likely require two additional repeaters which would also require authorization from the FCC for additional frequencies. Supervisor Luke expressed his frustration with the lack of radio coverage in his area especially during the recent disaster and that "we have done without long enough". He suggested that Kelly look for a communication specialist to advise them on their needs.
Supervisor Duran asked if there was a written plan for every emergency situation. Kelly responded that there was a general plan for all situations but nothing directly specific. Duran added that "You do different things for a tornado versus a fire. We need a plan to specify that." The Supervisors agreed to meet in a special work session on Monday, May 23 with related personnel only to discuss issues raised from the recent disaster and the planning needs.
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