Sunday, February 17, 2013

Prayer Vigil at Winston. as Cleanup Begins- Video

Prayer Vigil at Winston Academy as Cleanup Begins
It didn't take long for Winston Academy to begin cleanup of Saturday's vandalism. After local law enforcement completed their investigation, work began immediately to repair the damages that were spread thoughout almost all of the school's building.

 A prayer vigil (see video below) scheduled for 6:00 pm on Saturday evening took place even as cleanup continued. Led by faculty member Judy Sanders who told the crowd, 'The Lord said, Vengeance is mine, I shall repay.'We didn't gather here for vengeance."  The large crowd prayed and sang the school song as they gathered to show their support for their school.

 Louisville Police Department officials have indicated that two arrests were made on Saturday afternoon in connection with the incident and the Winston County Sheriff's Office confirmed their identities as 20 year old Vernon Brown and 18 year old Hunter Glass.There are also reports that some of the property stolen from the school has been recovered.

Cleanup is expected to continue on Sunday and Monday as no classes are scheduled.

W. McCully

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