Winston County Supervisors will meet on Wednesday morning to review data that may force a re-drawing of district lines within the county. Sources indicate that at least some changes will likely be required. Supervisors around the state had hoped to receive Census data ,which is the basis for redistricting, in time to complete the process before the March 1st filing deadline for political offices across the state but the data was only recently provided. The official census numbers are returned to the state and the state must then release the census information to the counties. Once the counties receive the information, they can begin to determine whether the county has experienced a change in population significant enough to meet the threshold requirements set forth in law. Some counties may be required to redistrict as a result.
This presents a problem for candidates who may be affected by changes in their district lines. The Mississippi Legislature, in anticipation of an issue with Census data, pushed back the qualifying date for statewide and legislative offices until June 1st but County Supervisors were not given that option.
It remains to be seen if major redistricting is required in Winston County and what effect it might have on local elections and candidates or how that effect may be addressed. Any redistricting plan developed by the county would require review and approval by the U. S. Justice Department.
William McCully
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