Wednesday, July 25, 2012

City of Louisville Fire Department Receives $2,500 Plum Creek Foundation Grant

Press Release -  The City of Louisville Fire Department was awarded a $2,500 grant from the Plum Creek Foundation to assist in purchasing additional safety equipment for their eight volunteer fire departments in Louisville and Winston County that provide fire emergency response in surrounding rural areas.

“With this grant our department will have the appropriate personal protective equipment to meet the challenges presented when we respond to Wildland Interface incidents (also known as brush or grass fires),” said Fire Chief Terry Johnson of the City of Louisville Fire Department.  “The generosity of the Plum Creek Foundation shows how much the Plum Creek Corporation cares about protecting our communities and the limited natural resources we have.  Having the appropriate equipment is essential in our operations to extinguish fires and save property effectively while protecting our firefighters. ”

With the grant funds, the City of Louisville Fire Department will replace worn out or broken fire coats, fire helmets, goggles, chain saws and other equipment to better safeguard their firefighters. The fire department operates within Plum Creek lands and protects public and private property from natural and man-made fire incidents.

“These brave firefighters volunteer their time to prevent the spread of wildfires that can decimate whole communities and ecosystems,” said Scottie Williamson Senior Resource Forester for Plum Creek. “We are proud to play an important role in ensuring that the City of Louisville Fire Department is able to do its job safely and effectively.”

The Plum Creek Foundation supports non-profit organizations that improve the overall quality of life in the communities where Plum Creek operates.  The Foundation board meets quarterly to review submitted grant applications.  Visit to download an application and learn more about the foundation grant program in addition to other ways that Plum Creek is serving its communities.

For more information about City of Louisville Fire Department, visit

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