Tuesday's Winston County Board of Supervisor's meeting was dominated by the public hearing on the county budget for fiscal year 2012-2013. The proposed budget has a total projected revenue of $11,563,492 of which roughly a third is financed through ad valorem tax levy. Through predominantly budgetary cuts, the mil levy did not change from 40 mils. This means that if your property value remains the same, the taxes collected by the County will remain the same as last year.
Last year's budget was based upon a projected budget of $12,404,119. The only department that saw any budget increase is the Sheriff's Department. This increase is to allow for some vehicle replacement.
There was little public comment on the budget and it was approved by the Board.
The Board also agreed to provide a small amount of funds if needed to complete the Bluff Lake Road and the Beat4-5 Line to Indian Springs projects.
The Board reviewed and approved inventory transfers and deletions and authorized a public notice of an auction of obsolete equipment.
In other action the Board approved participation in a DUI grant application for the sheriff's office, approved car tag holds, approved a contract with Data Systems for the Assessor's Office.
The Board hear from representatives of Food Corps, a non-profit organization that is working with local schools and the Winston County Self Help Cooperative. April Devine with Food Corps indicated that a project is underway to create raised bed gardens in association with Louisville Elementary and Eiland schools. In addition to getting kids to participate in school gardens, the program is designed to provide nutritional curriculum and work toward morer healthy foods in school cafeterias with the goal of making kids healthier and lowering childhood obesity.
During Department Head updates, Warden Palmer informed the Board that for the month of July, revenues for WCCF exceeded expenditures and debt service by more than $45600. EMA Director Buddy King informed the Board of costs associated with updating the County's Mitigation Plan and the upcoming development of a Facebook page for local EMA.
The full agenda of the Board's meeting can be found in the Chancery Clerk's Office in the Winston County Courthouse.
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