Thursday, January 17, 2013

Busy Agenda for Louisville Aldermen Include Saggy Pants And Approval of Family Dollar Construction Despite Zoning Issues

A busy evening for the City of Louisville Aldermen continued after a public hearing on a proposed rental property ordinance. In their regularly scheduled meeting, the board dealt with information from the Mayor’s Youth Council concerning a saggy pants ordinance, accepted the resignation of a Planning and Zoning board member and overruled a Zoning board decision relating to a request to build a Family Dollar Store on South Church.

In a previous meeting, the Mayor's Youth Council was requested to provide more information on fines and enforcement of similar saggy pants ordinances in other communities. The Youth Council indicated that communities such as Kosciusko had initial fines in place of $50 and up to $200 for a second offense within one year. The youth recommended a fine schedule of $50 for the first offense, $100 for the second offense, and $200 for each additional offense within a year. The Youth Council asked the Board of Aldermen to give such an ordinance serious consideration.

Aldermen met with Carnetta Hudson on behalf of N-Fusion, a local nonprofit organization in place to help at risk youth.

Aldermen had further discussion on the rental property ordinance and decided to schedule another public meeting in the future before making any decisions.

Aldermen also authorize the advertising for general obligation bonds for a paving project to include asphalt, street signs, striping, etc.

In one of the more difficult issues of the night, the Aldermen voted to override the city’s planning and zoning commission decision on a building request on S. Church Ave. The planning commission had rejected the request because of issues with required setbacks. The location is planned for a Family Dollar Store to be constructed. The construction represented a $1.5 million investment in the community and several jobs. The builder had made several concessions in terms of parking area and building size and has promised to screen and take sufficient steps to protect adjacent properties as related to the setback requirement. The Board of Aldermen felt that these issues and the economic impact that such a store would bring to the area overrode the setback considerations.

The Board also accepted the resignation of Wally Bennett from the Planning and Zoning Board. Mr. Bennett was not involved in the above decision on S. Church and his resignation was not related to that issue.

Other items on the agenda included the authorization of payments for airport projects – approving request for various training options for Police Department personnel – accepted the high bid for a Ford dump truck and a Chevrolet truck – approve a rebid for a Massey Ferguson tractor – and accepted the resignation of Keith Alexander is a police officer effective January 20, 2013.

A full agenda and once approved minutes of the meeting are available in the Louisville City Clerk’s office. The board’s next meeting is scheduled for February 5, 2013.

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