Most of Tuesday's (8-17) Board of Alderman's Meeting dealt with routine business issues: zoning and property cleanup, etc.
Included was a publicized public hearing on the Academy Park Self Help Grant Program where the progress of the park was discussed and recorded. The City is hopeful to complete this project very soon.
There was also a discussion and approval of the use of a collections agency at no cost or obligation to the city to collect unpaid fines. The hope is to clean and clear the books while collecting on outstanding monies.
Jimmy Sharp & B.J. Kelleghan were appointmented to the Historic Preservation Board for three year terms.
There was further discussion of a voluntary recycling program through BluBox Recycling-A large container would be placed in the City of Louisville for the use of any and all to participate in recycling of plastics, paper, etc. and the expense would be based on per haul by Blubox Recycling and a rebate would be due to the city. An interlocal agreement will be drafted for the County to view and possibly share in the expense with the City of Louisville.
There was approval of the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Winston Co. for Fire Services and also discussion to pursue a Small Municipalities Grant for the City of Louisville.
The meeting concluded with Budget discussions and was recessed for a budget workshop next Tuesday evening.
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