Two Winston County Supervisors and acting Sheriff David Edwards attended a packed meeting of the Louisville Board of Alderman on Tuesday evening (4-19-11). The County officials were there to discuss issues experienced by the Sheriff's Office with 911 dispatch. Edwards had expressed concerns about the lack of follow up on sheriff's deputies while on calls and that on some occasions, deputies and/or emergency personnel not been provided sufficient or accurate information. County Supervisors, Jerry Estes & Larry Duran were in attendance as well. The administration of these issues fall under the E911 Administrative Board, who are scheduled to meet on April 26 at 10:00 am at Louisville City Hall. The 911 board is scheduled to take up dispatch issues as well as equipment upgrades for the system.
The Board of Alderman also addressed the following business:
Approved a variance for the Habitat For Humanity house.
Determined that a property at 226 Thompson St.deemed unclean by the city has since been cleaned up by the property owner and is now in compliance.
Adopted Resolutions to apply for $600,000 for the Fiscal year 2011 CDBG Public Facilities project to replace a sewer pump at the South Lagoon & to authorize the Mayor to execute the grant application and related documents and committing $1,215,000 Louisville Utility funds.
Made payment of $7500 for annual support of the Airport Board.
Acknowledged final payment from Wright Cabinet Manufacturing(WCM) for $86099 for property lease and authorized the mayor to execute a quit claim deed to WCM for the property.
Made a final payment to MDA (Ms. Development Authority) for the WCM lease.
Authorized the expenses for the Court Clerk Summer Program for Sue Daniels to attend in Bay St Louis.
Approved Fire Training for Detrick Sanders to attend the Fire & Life Safety Educators Conference through a scholarship .
Approved a fire training request for Michael Moorehead & Robert Hutto to attend Rope/Rescue Class. The class is free of charge to the city.
Two new volunteer firemen: Joel Triplett & David Mitchell.
Advertise & take bids for the sell of a 1995 Ford Explorer forfeited to LPD.
Authorize the transfer of a rescue truck to the Noxapater Fire Dept.
Transfered $100,000 from City Solid Waste Fund to the Landfill Fund.
Declared a Caterpillar compactor at the landfill to be surplus and advertise to sell.
The Board's next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, May 3rd
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