Monday, April 18, 2011

Winston Co. Supervisors Approve Redistricting Plan

In an extended session on Monday morning, Winston County Supervisors dealt with a number of issues including the approval of a redistricting plan for the County. Toby Sanford from Golden Triangle Planning and Development presented an amended plan based upon the 2nd of three plans initially submitted to Commissioners and presented to the public last week in a public hearing. The new plan addressed some issues raised in that hearing concerning black majorities, specifically in District Three. Sanford indicated that GTPD believes the amended plan known as Plan 2A represents the best plan to meet all the requirements and goals of redistricting. 2A would increase black majorities in Districts 3 & 4 and still leave population variances between all districts at less than the required 10%. The following is the breakdown of all districts:

The changes involved moving census blocks between districts without changing polling locations, following natural boundaries as closely as possible or moving current candidates & incumbents outside of their own district. (This included election commissioners as well).

There was some discussion about the accuracy of the census count especially in District Three which showed significant population loss since 2000. Supervisor Peterson indicated that there was an error in the count along Brooksville Rd and N Columbus of as many as 224 individuals. The only way to challenge the Census count is through an actual physical “Hard Count” by door to door visits. After discussion, a separate count of District Three was not considered due to the cost and time frame involved. Supervisor Parkes made a motion to approve the amended plan and it was passed unanimously. The plan will now be forwarded to the U.S. Department of Justice for approval before implementation. Maps of the new plan and statistical data are available at the Chancery Clerk’s Office.

Other business included (but not limited to):

Approved a letter of support for a Community Development Corporation to build fifteen individual living facilities for individuals with physical disabilities. Dr. George Miller indicated that funding for the project had been obtained through HUD. The facility would serve those older than 45 years of age with physical disabilities and that the project would create approximately 5 permanent jobs. The CDC is seeking letters of support from local boards and organizations as part of the requirements of the project.

Met with the owners of Home Finders Realty concerning a cleanup lien of a property in HillCrest Subdivision in the amount of $5870.36. The property was cleaned up by the County after a public hearing and publication in the newspaper. Home Finders purchased the property from USDA in December after the property was cleaned in September, however USDA did not notify the purchaser of the lien. County Attorney Hathorn indicated that this is an on-going problem with USDA especially with garbage (solid waste) liens against a property. Hathorn indicated than in the future USDA would be notified by certified mail of the existence of such liens and request that they be disclosed to potential purchasers. Home Finders requested that all such liens be recorded in the future. The Board has no authority to waive any fees or costs for these type of liens.

Passed a resolution to join other communities in the request of the Repeal of Section 42 Properties Tax Assessment. Tax Assessor, Brenda Miles indicated that the current law passed in 2005 often causes large apartment complexes under Section 42 of the IRS code to pay less in property taxes than a small single family residence. Miles indicated that it could have a significant impact on the local tax base.

Approved the transfer of funds from the Special Levy Trust to the Solid Waste Budget to fulfill the Count’s obligation to the landfill.

Selected two members of the Board to meet with the Louisville Board of Aldermen on Tuesday evening (April 19) to discuss Sheriff Department complaints with 911 Dispatch.

The full agenda and minutes can be obtained from the Chancery Clerk’s office.

William McCully

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