Fortunate Winston Countians awoke this morning to little more than a few tree limbs and overturned trash cans. However many folks experienced tree and structural damage to their homes and property. A storm system that moved through the area in the very early morning hours brought high winds and possible tornado activity. There are widespread reports of trees down and related damages. There are no reports of injury and work crews and volunteers from EMEPA, Fire Departments and others are working to clear debris and restore power. These photos and link for additional photos were taken in and around the Evergreen Community (Sturgis Rd & N. Columbus) this morning.

Even heavier damage was reported in Choctaw and Webster Counties where it is reported that East Webster School was significantly damaged; the McDonald's in Eupora suffered structural damage and a power substation was also damaged leaving most if not all of Eupora without power. There is an unconfirmed report of a fatality in Webster County. Choctaw and Webster County schools are closed for the day. For additional photos-
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