Friday, May 6, 2011

Teachers & Parents Honored - Sparks Fly Over Dist 4 Vacancy at LMSD Board Meeting

The Board of Trustees of the Louisville Municipal School District met Thursday night (5-5-11) with a full agenda. In addition to normal business items such as 16th section leases, financial reports, sale of transportation assets and staffing issues, the Board recognized Teachers and Parents of the Year, further debated the vacancy of the 4th District Board member and took action on a virtual school option to aid students who may need further assistance to graduate. (Parents and Teachers of the Year will be identified in the following article.)
Jacqueline Steele, a resident of District 4 addressed the Board with concerns about the continued vacancy. Steele indicated that a petition had previously been sent to the Board in support of Cathy Edwards without response.

"It's apparent she won't be appointed," Steele said. "Important decisions are being made without representation. We need someone to represent District 4."

Steele asked the Board if they would be open to suggestions from the constituents of the district and urged the appointment of someone qualified until the election next year.
Board member Moody reiterated his conversation with the attorney in this matter: indicating that there was no way to call a special election at this time and that the Board's best option was the appointment of Edwards to fill the vacancy until the election in 2012.
At this point, Board member Donald requested the Attorney's comments be provided in writing to the Board. Moody indicated that Donald had the opportunity to contact the attorney and that such a request indicated a questioning of his (Moody's) integrity.
Board member Byrd addressed the issue: "I am speaking out of my own knowledge and of my own position. It doesn't matter what District is vacant, look at the facts. Appointment vs election - we have an incumbent with a petition- no one ran against her. The petition became invalid over a few signatures - with a petition and her desire for the position, the conclusion is that the Board should appoint Cathy, it's logical and let's move forward."
Superintendent Wade indicated that it was not his job to pick but to understand the different positions of the Board and work with the will of the board. Wade thanked Steele for her comments and agreed that "if we can't do this, then we need another avenue."
Moody made a motion to appoint Cathy Edwards to fill the vacancy - seconded by Byrd. It did not pass on a 2-2 vote.
Donald made a motion to appoint Charles Holmes to the vacancy - seconded by Crowell. It did not pass on a 2-2 vote.
At this point, Donald attempted to make a motion that the Board advertise for 2 weeks to find someone qualified and interested in the position. Moody questioned the legality of the motion and Wade indicated that there may be some issue with the wording of such a motion.
Donald stated that the Board was at an impasse and asked Moody if anyone other than Edwards would be acceptable to him. Moody responded, "Sometimes things are right or they are not right. When they are right, there is no compromise."

Superintendent Wade presented a Virtual High School Initiative to the Board to help some students achieve a high school diploma. He indicated that Louisville was in the top 50 schools in dropouts in Mississippi (20%). Much of the issue locally is due to numerous students inability to pass the statewide English 2 exam. He indicated that this was likely the hardest state test and that the school had numerous students who did well overall with grades sufficient to attend higher education but who would not receive a diploma from Louisville High due to this exam. The virtual school, accredited by Saxon would allow these students an avenue to achieve a diploma from Blue Ridge National Academy. The virtual school courses would act as a safety net for seniors who might not be able to get their diploma otherwise.
The cost to the school system for all area schools would be $23,025 for rights to a sufficient number of courses. This year's Seniors who did not pass the English 2 exam could start right away and complete the courses over the summer and have their diploma by Fall. Next year students could take the online courses in time to attend graduation ceremonies with their class. They would not receive a diploma from Louisville but from the online school. After discussion, the Board approved the expenditure and program with the requirement that a performance report be provided at the end of the first year.
The Board also addressed issues with paving in the parking lots of Louisville and Eiland. The full agenda and minutes will be available at the LMSD offices.
William McCully

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