The Winston County Board of Supervisors met in a regularly scheduled meeting today ( May 2, 2011). The agenda included (but not limited to)typical items such as a bid opening for a backhoe, receipt of constable's annual report, approving claims, and executing two 16th section land leases. The Board also prepared to advertise for supply bids but members expressed some concern about the quality of gravel that they are currently receiving. The board moved to change the wording in the request for bids concerning gravel quality to allow them more freedom in accepting or rejecting the bid and to provide an option for individual supervisors to choose the quality of gravel for specific purposes. Supervisor Duran indicated that due to high transport costs, it may actually be less expensive to purchase a higher quality "screened" gravel that will require a smaller amount and last longer.
The Board also heard from Hubert Nicholson who presented a proposed redistricting plan called 4A. Nicholson indicated that 4A was a better plan than the one previously approved by the Board at its last meeting. He noted that the new plan had less deviation in population from one district to the other and also increased black majorities of voting age population in Districts three and four. Nicholson requested that the plan be adopted and forwarded to the Department of Justice.
County Attorney Hathorn indicated that the Board would need time to review the new plan along with Golden Triangle Planning & Development. All previous concerns about changing polling locations, following natural boundaries as closely as possible or moving current candidates & incumbents outside of their own district would have to be reviewed. He noted that Plan 2A had already been adopted and work was in process but that the Board would take the new plan under advisement.
The Board also reviewed 3 quotes for a building at the correctional facility and accepted the lowest bid of $7957 from ACI. They also approved Terry Kelly's request to attend VA meetings in Newton & Tupelo.
Board Chairman Jerry Estes complimented the Sheriff's Department, Louisville Fire Department and area volunteer fire departments for their efforts during the recent storms. The board also recognized E.L. Vowell for furnishing food to victims and workers immediately after the tornado damaged properties in the SW portion of the county.
The County is still gathering disaster relief supplies. Donations for the victims of April 27th's storm can be dropped off at the lobby of the Winston County Courthouse. The immediate need is for bottled water and non-perishable food items. Contact the Winston County Sheriff's Office for more information amd items needed at 662-773-5881. Or items can also be dropped off at the Louisville Fire Department on Spring Street.
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