The Louisville Board of Aldermen met on Tuesday evening in a short but busy regularly scheduled meeting. Here are the highlights:
*Approved the City's portion in the amount of $1413 for the Airport Improvement Project funded primarily by an FAA grant.
*Approved the application by Polo Custom Products for tax exemption on $175,000 equipment purchase. The Board approved a five year exemption instead of the 10 year exemption requested by Polo.
*Adopted the agreement for Sample, Hicks, and Associates, Inc, for the Railcar grand project.
* Approved invoices for the Academy Park project including $19,102 to American Tennis Courts and $2000 to Golden Triangle Planning & Development District. The project is at or near completion.
* Authorized the Mayor to sign a request for cash from MDA on the Academy Park Project.
*Approved the reappointment of Julia Walker to the Louisville Utility Board, Steve White to the Tourism and Recreation Board and Joann Brandt to the Zoning and Planning Board.
* After discussion, the Board voted to abolish the Youth Volunteer Board. The Board was no longer active.
* Refused a bid on 1996 Ford Explorer owned by the city. The Mayor was asked to determine if the vehicle might be used by other city departments.
* Authorized a payment of 10,692.00 for annual insurance coverage to The Policy Center
*Authorized the Solid Waste report to State Tax Commission and the payment of taxes from landfill fund: 25,171.55 For Sanitary Landfill and 449.18 for Class I Rubbish Site
Authorized the hiring of Eddie Littleton for up to 10 hours per week at an hourly rate of $8.00. Littleton had been working with the Downtown Beautification Committee through a grant from the Institute of Indian Development. These funds are depleted.
* Agreed to continue to further review Zoning & Planning Ordinances with a goal of approval in July.
* Alderman McLeod indicated that the highway signs for North Louisville had been erected on Hwy 25 North.
*Halted any further discussion on the fire response agreement with Noxapater as finances did not make the option desirable at this time. The mutual aid agreement currently in place will remain unchanged.
* Authorized a "corrected billing" for a landfill bill that was incorrectly assigned.
The Board also approved the hiring of an additional deputy city clerk to assist within the City Clerk's Office, City Court and to cross train for multiple functions. The Board reviewed the needs and the financial impact
of the hire before approving.
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