The Winston County Supervisors met in a regularly scheduled meeting today (Monday 6-6). The following items were approved by the Board:
* Tranfer of funds in the amount of $1500 from District 4 to District 3 and from District 1 to District 3 reimburse for hauling .
*Executed the order for the Board for the 2011 Special Bridge Inspection. This is typically executed annually.
*Approved attendance for Election Commissioners to attend training.
*Executed a number of 16th Section leases.
*Acknowledge receipt of certificate of Training for Dean Miller.
*Acknowledge the receipt of the 2011-2012 Uniform Assesment Schedule for Motor Vehicles classified as Personal Property (from the State Tax Commission)
* Approved a quote for a company (Precision) to climb the tower located at Louisville and replace co-axial cable and the antennae if needed in an attempt to improve emergency radio service in the area.
* Approved Circuit Clerk Kim Ming's request for temporary labor in July to assist with absentee voting.
* Approved a motion to close out the Solar Panel Project at Dean Park and to pay an Engineer's fee of $14,400 out of General Fund for the Bond Water System.
* Approve an expenditure of $1000 toward the replacement/repair of an air conditioning unit at the ECCC Placement Center (Spartus Building). ECCC would pay the bulk of the $5000 cost and install.
* Approved the hiring of Rafael Jenkins at the Correctional Facility and a demand check for training for Terry Porter.
In other matters, the Board recognized the Nanih Waiya baseball team for their recent state championship and County Attorney Hugh Hathorn thanked the Sheriff's Department for their work in the recent manhunt involving a Choctaw County prisoner and recommended that current courtroom procedures involving security of prisoners be reviewed and improved if needed.
The Supervisors also recommended the low bid for work based on the Energy Grant for the Courthouse subject to a review of the contractor and any utilized subcontractors.. In addition, they held any action on the ad valorem tax exemption for Polo Custom Products until a completed and reviewed application was available.
The Board also heard from acting Sheriff David Edwards concerning several grants for the Department including a reapplication of a DUI Grant for $40,000. Edwards indicated that once approved the Board would need to indicate acceptance within the Board minutes. He also described several other grants that the Sheriff's Office have already received including grants for costs for overtime on major case work, to collect old fines and pursue old arrest warrants and for training for staff in the above areas.
Claudell Weaver from Friends of Dean Park spoke to the Board about the recent Juneteenth Day. She indicated that they received compliments about the state of the park and that the festival was a success. She did indicate that there were some electrical problems at the facilities that would need to be addressed in the future. She also discussed some possible new appointments to the Commission of Dean Park and the possibility of a billboard or sign at the park recognizing past football players in the area that went on to play ball at higher levels. The Board recommended that this be taken up by the Park Commission and that it should be inclusive of all players in the county.
Supervisors also conducted the bid opening for supplies for 2011-2012. Supplies included numerous items from gravel,sand, asphalt to chemicals, pest control and culverts and piping. All bids were taken under advisement until they can be further reviewed and compared.
Prior to an executive session to discuss personnel matters and re-districting, Supervisor Duran expressed concern about trash pickup on county roads and that the conditions in his district were not satisfactory. Discussion centered around the use of county personnel that are responsible for trash pickup, by the Chamber of Commerce, City, and Schools for other purposes. The Board agreed to discuss the matter further with personnel.
The issue of a Haz-Mat trailer currently located at the Louisville Fire Department was also a matter of discussion with Emergency Manager Clarence Kelly and the use of a Fuel Man card for a tanker truck located at the city based upon an interlocal agreement. The board agreed to look further into the responsibility for fuel costs for the tanker truck and passed a motion 3-1 (with one abstaining) to support the motion of the Civil Defense Board to move the Haz-Mat trailer to the old solid waste facility in Beat 4 which serves as a storage facility for other civil defense equipment.
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