In other business:
- The Board agreed to advertise in the "At Home" magazine from the Winston County Journal at a cost of $699.
- Heard from Dean Park Commissioner Claudell Weaver concerning budget and funds transfer from the 2012 to 213 budget for construction costs of a new bathroom facility at the Park. The Board also ruled on construction bid info for this project.
- Approved Veteran's Officer Terry Kelly for training attendance.
- Approved payment of Court Reporter expenses.
- Reinstated two homesteads.
- Approved 16th section leases with Supervisor Peterson abstaining from the votes of approval.
- Approved an MDOT grant for the Airport of $8809 for the turnaround and terminal design costs.
- Approved two bus turnarounds at 775 Metts street and 300 Loakfoma Road.
- Approved a County tax exempt status for a proposed Focus Outreach facility on John C. Stennis Drive that would provide a 14 unit housing complex for the disabled.
- Dealt with several surplus property bids an/or lack of bids.
- Approved several small payments for services from various sources (demand checks)
- Accepted a reimbursement form EMA of $4651.25 to District Two.
- Approved a tax exemption with a final order for Grayson Blu and Polo Industries.
- The Board signed agreements with the cities of Louisville and Noxapater as well as LMSD to collect taxes.
- Reviewed two unemployment claims, approved a part-time hiring for the Circuit Clerk for election assistance, approved the purchase of a computer and discussed a dog issue at Dean Park.
- The Board went into executive session to deal with litigation issues.
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