The Louisville Board of Alderman had a light agenda on Tuesday evening (5-3-11). They approved payment for the docket of Claims for April bills, paid the Misissippi Municipal Service Company the amount of $3175 for audited workers comp premium and accepted the low bid from Thompson Machinery of $389,270.09 for a landfill compactor; $188,000 will be an initial payment and the remainder will be financed over three years.
The Board also approved costs for Chief L.M. Claiborne to attend the Police Chief's Conference on June 19-23 in Biloxi and for mileage costs for Sue Daniels to attend the Court Clerk "Report Beam"Domestic Protection Training on May 5 in Jackson. Report Beam is a state implemented reporting system for domestic violence incident tracking. The Board also agreed to advertise for term bids for 2011-2012.
In other business, after positive remarks from Fire Chief Terry Johnson concerning the performance of fire department staff and volunteer fire departments during the recent storms, Board members also complemented personnel and indicated that they had received positive comments from the public as well.
Board member Judy McLeod requested that the Board draft a letter to the State Highway Commission requesting a sign be placed on north Hwy 25 indicating directions to North Louisville. This location currently has a sign directing travelers to Legion State Park but nothing indicates directions to Louisville. The Board agreed to draft a letter. The sign placement will also need a letter of request from the County Board of Supervisors as well. McLeod also expressed concern about the location of a new shed at the municipal cemetery, stating that several members of the public had complained about the shed's appearance at the highest location in the middle of the cemetary. Jody Fulton indicated that the location was chosen due to drainage issues at other possible locations but that the shed could be moved if desired but there would be some cost involved.
Mayor Will Hill requested that all Board members provide a website bio and digital photo for the city website that will soon be online.
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