Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Supervisors Questioned on Recent Hire, Inventory of County Assets and Medical Staffing Issues at WCCF

The Winston County Board of Supervisors met in a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday (Oct 15). In addition to normal business items, the Board dealt with the following:

  • The Board set the final millage rate for the county at 40 mils. This rate is the same as in past years.
  • Approved the inventory report for the State Department of Audit. The report indicated a total net worth of county assets at $63,107,038.47. This figure includes equipment, real estate, bridges and roads, etc.
  • Heard from citizen E. L. Miles who questioned the recent hiring of a part time adviser for the county. (Former Tax Assessor Brenda Miles was hired at a minimal pay rate plus health benefits to provide finance and planning assistance.) Mr. Miles questioned the method in which the hiring took place and why others were not considered for the position. Board Chairman Peterson responded that the Board did consult the County Attorney about the hiring and that if the Board "has done something that we didn't have the authority to do, we'll correct it but I don't believe we did.". Peterson also indicated the reason for the hire was obvious. We  found "someone with 30 years of experience willing to help us for very little cost. We have a new term with new folks in the courthouse and we needed someone to help us hit the ground running. There's nothing sinister about what we are doing - we are all in agreement."
  • Dealt with several road and bridge construction issues with Jimmy Kemp of Kemp and Associates.
  • Approved an interlocal agreement with the city of Noxapater to collect taxes.
  • Briefed by Circuit Clerk Kim Ming about needs and plans for the upcoming election. 
  • Approved some software and took other under advisement as presented by EMS Director Buddy King. King also advised the Board about upcoming incident management training required of county personnel and that October 24 will be Tornado Preparedness Day across the country. Weather permitting, area sirens will sound at 9:15 am on the 24th for test purposes. King also advised the Board that EMA was working with MSU to provide an intern after the first of the year to work with the county in developing a comprehensive communication plan .
  • Approved the purchase and finance of 3 new vehicles for the Sheriff's Department. Sheriff Jason Pugh presented info on  bids and his recommendations for the purchases that totaled $82,000 to be financed over 3 years.
  • Hear from Warden Tim Palmer and the nursing staff at the correctional facility concerning serious staffing issues. Due to changes in MDOC regulations and HIPAA regulations, inmate staffers are no longer able to provide the needed assistance to the single nurse that serves the facility creating a significant staffing shortage. After discussion, it was determined that it would require at least a part-time LPN to address the problem. The Board gave approval for Palmer to begin a search for up to 2 additional part time nurses for the facility.
The full agenda is available at the Chancery Clerk's Office and the full minutes will be available once approved by the Board. The Board's next meeting is scheduled for November 5, 2012.

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