Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Board Questions 16th Lease on Dean Park and Computer Services

Board members welcomed Winston County Board of Supervisors' President Larry Duran  back to the meeting after missing previous meetings due to health issues. The Board dealt with several issues in the Monday morning meeting. The highlights include:

  • Questioned the 16th section lease from LMSD for Dean Park. The county park is located on 16th section land and a new lease of $1150/year  to the school district was provided to the Board. The Board questioned  the lease due to the public service aspect of the park. Supervisor Parkes questioned the comparables used in the appraisal to establish the lease amount. The Board tabled the lease until further contact and info, including a possible Attorney General's opinion, could be provided by the school district.
  • Paid $2500 already budgeted as support for the local Boys and Girls Club.
  • Met with Economic Development Director Gerald Mills and engineer Stanley Spradling concerning  the repair of the roof at the Teeters facility (old Spartus bldg). Spradling encouraged the board to request bids for the repair based on unit price not as a lump sum as the amount of repair could not be easily determined until work began on the project. The Board also adopted a resolution for GTPDD to administer the $50,000 grant for the repair project.
  • Heard from Claudell Weaver concerning issues at Dean Park including repair and maintenance work and costs. Ms. Weaver indicated a concern due to the increase in vandalism in the park since school was no longer in session. She indicated damage to ceiling fans in the pavillions, broken windows and minor thefts and damages. 
  • Issued an order to recognize Reagan Joyner as a Youth Court Law Student Research Assistant during the summer. County Attorney Hathorn indicated Joyner's salary would be reimbursed by the Youth Court Support Fund.
  • Considered a Summer Youth Job Program at the Courthouse. Since no funding is available for such a project, the Board left any decision as to youth hiring to individual officials and established no organized program.
  • Signed a letter of support for Care Lodge located in Meridian.
  • Took a Polo tax exemption request under advisement. Polo Industries were requesting a tax exemption on $78098 in expansion costs over a ten year period.
  • Approved the hiring of a temporary Court Reporter, Kathy McNeely.
  • Opened bids on supplies and pest management services for the upcoming year. All bids were taken under advisement until further review could be completed.
  • Took no action on a request from the Mississippi Food Network for funds totaling $2000. This is a budgeting request for the upcoming budget year.
  • Discussed with other courthouse officials the current vendor, Data Systems, for computer services.  Several officials had complaints concerning service from the company and excessive charges for  telephone support. The Board directed Chancery Clerk Julie Cunningham to contact Data Systems representatives and request their attendance at the next Board meeting and provide further explanation of charges before paying the current invoices.
The full agenda of Monday's meeting is available at the Chancery Clerk's office and once approved the full minutes will also be available.

W. McCully

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