Friday, June 1, 2012

Winston Medical Employees Complete ECCC Excel Class

Employees from Winston Medical Center completed a “Basic Microsoft Excel” class to enhance their general knowledge in formulas and functions in spreadsheets. This class was offered at the new East Central Community College Career Advancement Center located in the old Spartus facility at 923 South Church Street in Louisville.  For more information on this class or other services being offered at the facility, contact Shelley Thomas, Louisville Site Coordinator from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, Phone 662-536-1150 or Chris Clark, ECCC Workforce Development Coordinator, Phone 601-635-6245. Their email address is or  (EC Photo)

Participants receiving certificates of completion are pictured (front row from left) Beverly Terry, Makeysha Glenn, and Barbara Pierce; (back row from left) Denise Carter, Debbie Smith, Dr. Lisa McMillin, instructor, and Pam Wilson.

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